农学大讲堂学术报告--Genome sequencing and detection of plant pathogens




报告题目:Genome sequencing and detection of plant pathogens

报 告 人:Dr. Tom Hsiang

报告人单位:Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

报告时间:2017228  10:00?11:30

报告地点:农学楼 109



报告摘要 (Summary)

With advances in next generation sequencing, the cost of sequencing small eukaryotic genomes and bacterial genomes is easily possible now even by small research programs with very modest budgets. This presentation will look at the basics of genome sequencing and assembly, with a description of some of the terminology involved as well as some practical advice for those seeking to sequence their own microbial genomes. Then some practical research on selecting primers for distinguishing closely related fungal pathogens will be described, demonstrating that this powerful tool (sequencing & assembly) can be used for targeted purposes. This presentation will be given mostly in English with some spoken Chinese. A version is available on the web at: www.uoguelph.ca/~thsiang/present/2016primers.pdf


报告人简介:Dr. Tom Hsiang (向培健)

A Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, specializing in plant diseases. Before arriving in Guelph, he worked on fungal diseases of flowers and trees in Washington State, U.S.A, where he obtained his Ph.D. (University of Washington) and conducted post-doctoral studies (Washington State University). He is originally from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Forest Biology/Pathology at the University of British Columbia. His current teaching and research involve fungal diseases of trees and grasses, particularly biology of fungal pathogens and disease management, as well as fungal genome sequencing & assembly. Website: www.uoguelph.ca/~thsiang



