报告题目:Phylogeny and higher classification of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) based on morphological re-analyses(基于形态特征的蚁蜂科系统发育以及高级阶元分类)
报 告 人:Prof.ArkadyStepanovichLelej
主 持 人:刘经贤 副教授
时 间:2018年1月24日下午3:00
地 点:资环楼203室
Dr.Lelej A. S.教授是世界著名膜翅目蚁蜂科和蛛蜂科分类专家,俄罗斯科学院远东分院东亚陆地生物多样性科学中心昆虫实验室主任;兼任国际动物分类期刊《Zootaxa》副主编、《Far Eastern Entomologist》和《VestnikZoologii》等刊物编辑委员会成员。研究领域主要为古北区和东洋区蚁蜂的分类和系统进化;已出版膜翅目(蚁蜂科、蛛蜂科等)分类专著11部,发表分类文章300余篇。
This study aimed to resolve the differences in the two currently used classifications of Mutillidae, which differ in many respects. Cladistic analyses of 101 genera and subgenera of Mutillidae (represented by females of 253 species and males of 260 species) and four outgroups (pepsinePompilidae, anthoboscineTiphiidae and both fedtschenkiine and sapygineSapygidae) based on 230 morphological characters treated in various ways, produced most-parsimonious trees which were in broad agreement but differed in many details. Evaluation of these results led to the proposal of a compromise tree which reflected each proposed taxon as monophyletic, while trying to keep disruptions to the current classifications to a minimum.